
Zinc8 Energy Solutions Announces Acceptance into New York City’s ACRE Cleantech Incubator Program at Urban Future Lab

VANCOUVER, BC / May 6, 2020 / Zinc8 Energy Solutions Inc. (CSE:ZAIR) (the “Company“) announces it has been accepted in the ACRE Incubator Program at Urban Future Lab, Brooklyn New York. Urban Future Lab (UFL) at NYU Tandon School of Engineering is New...
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Zinc8 Energy Solutions Inc. Announces Official Name Change

VANCOUVER, BC / March 17, 2020 / MGX Renewables Inc., DBA Zinc8 Energy Solutions (“Zinc8” or the “Company”), is pleased to announce that it is changing the official name of the Company (the “Name Change”) to Zinc8 Energy Solutions Inc. The Comp
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Zinc8 Energy Solutions Inc. Announces Its First Private Sector Deployment Agreement with Digital Energy Corp to Install a Zinc-Air Energy Storage System in New York City

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA / March 11, 2020 / MGX Renewables Inc, DBA Zinc8 Energy Solutions (“Zinc8” or the “Company”), is pleased to provide this corporate update. First private sector deployment agreement signed with Digital Energy Corporation to install a 100kW/1.5
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Zinc8 Energy Solutions Inc. Announces Settlement of Debt and Resignation of Director

VANCOUVER, BC / March 11, 2020 / MGX Renewables Inc, DBA Zinc8 Energy Solutions (“Zinc8” or the “Company”), is pleased to announce that it has settled the debt claimed by MGX Minerals Inc. by agreement to pay to them $1,500,000 over the next 4 months...
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